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Us Mexico Canada Agreement Summary

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The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) was welcomed as a replacement for the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in November 2018. USMCA, which went into effect on July 1, 2020, has significant implications for the North American economies of the three countries it encompasses. Here`s a brief summary of what you need to know about USMCA:

1. Major Changes

The USMCA includes many changes to NAFTA. Among the most significant is the agreement`s new rules of origin for auto manufacturing. The USMCA requires that 75% of all automobile components come from either the US, Canada, or Mexico, up from 62.5% under NAFTA. Additionally, 40-45% of vehicle components must be produced by workers earning at least $16 per hour.

2. Intellectual Property

The USMCA imposes new provisions on intellectual property (IP) rights, including the lengthening of the copyright term in Canada from 50 years after the author`s death to 70 years, as well as new protections for biologic drugs and new regulations for online copyright infringement.

3. Labor Provisions

The USMCA has new provisions related to labor. Mexico must increase its minimum wage and improve working conditions for its laborers, particularly in the auto industry. The agreement also expands the types of trade disputes that can be brought under the USMCA`s labor chapter.

4. Environmental Protection

The USMCA has new provisions related to environmental protection. The three countries agreed to strengthen their environmental laws, including measures to curb marine pollution, illegal logging, and wildlife trafficking.

5. Sunset Clause

The USMCA`s sunset clause requires that the agreement be renewed every 16 years, although it can be extended upon request. This clause was designed to provide predictability and stability to North American businesses.

6. Digital Trade

The USMCA includes new provisions related to digital trade, such as provisions that prohibit customs duties on electronic transmissions and ensure that data can move freely across borders.

In conclusion, the USMCA is an agreement that has a significant impact on the economies of Canada, Mexico, and the United States. While it retains many key provisions of NAFTA, it also includes changes to address concerns related to labor, the environment, IP rights, and digital trade. As the world`s largest trading bloc, the USMCA is an important development in the global economy.

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